I was thinking of a few things when writing this one. First, it’s a clear “Get Pumped” song in the vein of “Dare” or “The Touch,” both excellent bangers from the 1986 animated Transformers film. But underneath the surface layer of “Be awesome, use your power for good, prevail in any fight,” I was thinking of a couple other things. One is about my first grader, who is becoming quite adept at video games, which I wanted to celebrate in the corniest way possible. The second thing I was thinking about was generations younger than my own, who seem to be a bit more accepting and diverse than older cohorts, which gives me a little shred of hope about the future, which otherwise has looked pretty bleak to me. Musically, I was playing around with sus chords. The intro is built around an Ebsus2 to Cm vamp, but with a uke playing it there’s a bit of harmonic ambiguity on that first chord. Since ukes have a small range their chords don’t tend to be “properly” constructed with the root note in the bass, like on a guitar where the lowest note in an open chord is also the root note (for chords in root position, obviously). In a major key, the Isus2 and the Vsus4 chords share the same notes but are spelled differently — Eb, F, and Bb vs. Bb, Eb, and F, respectively. So your bass note choice here could lead to the chord being perceived differently. Adam Neely has a video about this which he talk about as the power of the bass to re-frame harmony.
This one has tenor uke and Hohner acoustic guitar recorded via the XY condensers on the Zoom recorder. The rest of the instruments are electric ones recorded using the BOSS interface (except the drum, which as always are arranged, this time the Blasting Room kit). Vocals were captured using an SM-58 into the Zoom. I spent entirely too much time recording the guitar parts and mixing them. Creating big, multitracked, power chord-filled choruses is just so addictive! I also enjoyed playing the “filler” Given more time, I think I would definitely add some snyths to this, as well as a powerful piano. And a full-size, steel-string guitar. Since Eb is a rough uke key, I played this one in C with capo on the third fret, and it made fretting chords a bit of a pain. I had originally written this one in C as well, but the verse vocals parts were a bit low for my liking.
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