When you are facing writer’s block, go meta. In this case, I was planning to take a day off until about 11:25, when I decided to see if I could write and arrange a song in a half-hour. I gave myself another half-hour to record the vocals and instruments (this included getting the studio set up, and the instrument recording, including time-wasting stuff like tuning), and a half-hour to mix and master.
Nothing fancy in here from a music perspective — just your bog-standard I, IV, V, and vi chords.
This was recorded in my studio, using my usual Radial Engineering DI box into Amplitube for the guitars and basses, and an SM-7B for the lead and backing vocals
This is just a test, can I write a 30-minute song?
The only thing I know is that it won’t be too long
I thought I’d take a bye but then I changed my mind
Is that the truth or my plan all along?