A highly stylized profile of two people, the one on the left holding something elongated like a cane or a comically large cigar, the one on the right holding something abstract and standing in front of what appears to be water.

I think a lot of the stuff that’s written about generational cohorts is just bunk. With a large subset of the population, not even very broad generalizations are applicable. That being said, I do think that we have problems in this world that have not been addressed by those wielding power, and this leads to a certain irony. The future has been set up by those who will not experience it, and many pressing issues are not addressed, or dealt with only halfheartedly.

This one was recorded with the Zoom recorder for the acoustic guitar and uke, plus DI guitar and bass via the BOSS interface. Vocals were done with an SM-58 going into the Zoom Recorder. The drums are the default kit in Superior Drummer, quickly arranged by me.


The stereotype says we’re lazy
But the truth is that we’re jaded
As if we’d followed a primrose path instead of
Footsteps that’ve long since faded
So what do we do now
Since they changed the rules of the game?
They looted the vaults and burned down all hope
And they pinned us all with the blame

They told us to look to the future
While giving us less and less ground
We tried to plan to follow their lead
With a foundation outdated and unsound
So “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps,” they said,
“And prosper just like we did.”
While they locked up our chances, buried them deep
And promptly forgot what they’d hid
Can’t escape the millennium

Hope hasn’t always been absent
‘Cuz we glimpsed a future that looked bright
We saw the example and followed their lead
But the sure path eroded overnight
And what can we do now
When the best move’s not to even play?
The cruelest of tricks was to show what they claimed
And then snatch all the prizes away

Once in a lifetime, five times and counting
Don’t calculate the chances
The first generation to pay down the debt
Of all their predecessor’s advances

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