A melodrama villain in a tophat, twirling his moustache.

This song is about two things: those who would seek to divide us, and those who would seek to undermine the notion of what truth is. There are certain talking heads and other pundits who delight in making people angry, in cultivating bellicose tendencies in their audience, and refining that anger into hatred for their neighbors. This song is a plea to think about who might benefit from such bloviation, and what their ultimate goal likely is.

Musically, the songs is fairly diatonic. I can see the chorus as either a quick trip to the relative minor (C minor), or as staying in the original Eb major key and just being pulled in a minor direction.

This was a live recording, using my Zoom H6 and its X/Y pair on the ukulele, and a Shure SM-57 on my vocals. The only overdubs are the harmony vocals.


Who are the villains stuck in your head?

The worst offenders that you’re coached to dread?

Inundated by poison and bile

We’re led to believe they’re nothing but vile

Talking heads strut up on the stage

Fanning your fears and stoking your rage

Who benefits when half of us see

The other half as the enemy?



Who are the villains

At heart?


Could it be villains

Are tearing us apart?


Somehow, somewhere, somebody found out

The best way to sow despair and doubt

Make effigies, enemies, cads and buffoons

Nothing more than vile cartoons

Raise and raise and raise the stakes

‘Till the strain’s too much and everything breaks

Elevate unequal points-of-view

‘Till not every fact can be seen as true



Who are the villains

At heart?


Could it be villains

Are tearing us apart?


They say the devil’s greatest trick

Was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist

Tell me, why would the devil need to hide

When we all believe he’s on the other side?

Somehow they got us all to agree to

Question foundations of reality

Please take caution and take great care

It’s a sick fucking world they’ve made out there


Could it be villains

Are tearing us apart?

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